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The Auctioneer's Guide to Real Estate Auctions in Malaysia
Over the years, there has been an increase in the auctioning activities in Malaysia. However, the a..
The Breast Cancer Survivor`s Guide
The Breast Cancer Survivor’s Guide is a comprehensive workbook, with the emphasis on a partners..
The Chinese Overseas in Malaysia in an Era of Change
A compilation of published papers on the political economy of the Chinese overseas, this book also ..
The Contributions of 2014 ALFP Fellows towards Growth and Development
“The Future of Asia, the World and Humanity after Development and Growth’, that was the theme for th..
The Covid-19 and Social Sciences: Seeing from the Global South
I applaud all authors for sharing part of their journey in public, and let’s use this opportunity to..
The Dynamics of South Korea's Relationship with Asia-Pacific
This book presents the dynamism of South Korea’s relationship with Asia-Pacific. The chapters featur..
The Faces and Natural Wonders of Tun Mustapha Park, Sabah: Blue Communities Malaysian Case Study
This coffee table book is the culmination of joint efforts by Blue Communities’ (Malaysian case stud..
The Globalisation Debate: A Case of Barking up the Wrong Tree
The debate on the advantages and disadvantages of 'Globalisation' has been going on for many years. ..
The Impact of Technological Development on the Book Publishing Industry in Malaysia
The advancement and innovation of technologies over the past few decades have tremendously changed t..
The Legacy of MARDEC: Origin, Development and Contributions to the Natural Rubber Industry
This is a valuable book which is a broad exposition unraveling the origin, growth, and privatisation..
The Mousedeer and the Crocodiles: A Malaysian Folktale in 111 Languages
One morning, somewhere in the jungle, a mousedeer was happily wandering under the trees, when it cam..
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The Natural World Universiti Malaya
Visitors to the campus rarely, if at all, get a chance to take in all of the natural attractions tha..
The Orang Asli in Malaysia: A Linguistic Perspective
In the preparation of this volume, approaches in the analysis of data and language corpora have bee..
The Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework of Inclusive Higher Education in ASEAN Countries
This book, as an outcome of a collaborative research work funded by the Nippon Foundation and conduc..
The Ramayana Tradition in Southeast Asia
Dr S. Singaravelu's book, The Ramayana Tradition in Southeast Asia, is a valuable research work base..